Saturday, July 11, 2015

Social Media

Periscope is definitely getting noticed this week! I've been stalking all these wonderful teachers to hear about what's been going on at TPT Vegas. I think it's absolutely amazing and I've been playing with it to see what all it does. I'm planning on making one of my own, but first I have to get the guts to go on camera!

Anyway, all the social media buzz got me thinking. If we, as teachers, can get so excited about social media imagine what students do. As adults, we know how to handle social media, but kids don't always handle it correctly. I know that they're still using all these platforms, but I thought maybe it would be a good idea to teach about social media safety!

This has been a lot harder than I thought it would be! I want to make sure these kiddos know what kind of information they are putting out there, so I've been doing quite a bit of research. It's actually kind of scary. (The app Tinder is apparently recommended for ages 12 and up. Umm, I don't think so) The picture below shows which platforms I'm going to target. According to my own teenager, these are some of the most popular ones that she knows about. I also researched a little online to see what are the most used apps. If anyone has other ideas, please leave a comment.

I am hoping to have this finished by the middle of the week, but if anybody is familiar with Missouri, you know we've had lots of rain. That means I have lots of make up baseball and softball games. (I've had 3 baseball games in the last 24 hours. We won them all! Yay!) I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of cheering this week.

Have a Great Day,


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